Tag Archives: Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act

The 10/10 Rule
Like anyone else, military personnel marry and divorce, and many require help separating assets and obligations, especially those granted by the military itself. In order to help with this, several guidelines and rules have been passed, many of which help to integrate military divorce procedure with standard civilian law. The so-called 10/10 Rule is… Read More »
Issues Unique To Military Divorce
Despite all the differences between military and civilian life, there is in reality very little difference between military and civilian divorce. While the laws followed will differ slightly, there is a lot of overlap in the procedures; the only issue is the nature of the benefits being divided, such as pensions, retirement pay, health… Read More »
Pensions As Property
The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA) was passed in 1982 to safeguard the interests of military spouses, both current and former, despite the name. It regulates many different issues having to do with marital property and jointly-owned assets, and grants some authority to state courts to rule on these matters. One might… Read More »
Dividing Military Pensions: Equal vs. Equitable
When a couple decides to divorce, and one or both of them are servicemembers, their military pensions are considered marital assets. In states such as Florida that use a system of equitable distribution, marital assets are divided between the spouses, but contrary to popular belief, this is not always done strictly equally. Rather, judges… Read More »
An Overview of Military Pensions & Divorce
Military service is arguably the most difficult job on the planet. It is entirely understandable for service members to be well rewarded after their service, receiving pensions based at anywhere from 40% to 100% of your base pay depending on your length of service and other factors. However, when divorce happens, that pension is… Read More »
Dividing Military Benefits in a Divorce
Even in the most amicable and uncontested divorces in Florida, dealing with property division can be a frustrating and confusing process. How will your assets and debts be divided? And will you and your spouse be required to sell certain property you’ve acquired during the marriage? In Florida, it’s important to remember that a… Read More »