Tag Archives: Prenup

Why Can’t My Prenup Cover Child Support Or Custody?
Florida law permits the existence of prenuptial agreements, or prenups, so as to protect the assets and well-being of both people who enter into a marriage. However, there are certain family law issues that are not permitted to be addressed within a prenup. The most commonly seen is the issue of child custody, with… Read More »
Severability in Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements (often referred to as prenups) are, at the root of matters, just like many other types of contracts concluded every day. Essentially, two parties are contracting to handle future transactions in a specific manner, in exchange for stipulated consideration. However, like any other contract, sometimes only parts of an agreement will be… Read More »
What Prenuptial Agreements Cannot Cover
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, can cover most of the issues that any couple will face if they decide to split up. However, there are some legal niceties that are not, by law, permitted to be handled in a prenuptial agreement. If you place certain provisions in an agreement, you run the risk of having… Read More »
How To Make A Prenuptial Agreement “Bulletproof”
In some relationships, it is not enough to have a prenuptial agreement. Very often, these are attacked during breakups and divorces, to the point where some or all of the agreement may be ruled unenforceable. There are ways to ensure that your prenuptial agreement is as strong as it can be, however, which will… Read More »