Tag Archives: Hollywood Family Lawyers

Overturning A Florida Prenup
Prenuptial agreements are meant to be set in stone to a reasonable degree. This means that most of the time, it is not possible to invalidate or overturn a prenup. However, there are exceptions in which a provision of the agreement might be able to be invalidated. If you have been stuck in a… Read More »

Imputed Income and Child Support in Florida
When a couple divorces in Florida, their finances understandably become a primary question during proceedings. This is perhaps most important when discussing the issue of child support, as it is the child, not the custodial parent, that has a right to support, and so the court places a high premium on ensuring it can… Read More »
Severability in Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements (often referred to as prenups) are, at the root of matters, just like many other types of contracts concluded every day. Essentially, two parties are contracting to handle future transactions in a specific manner, in exchange for stipulated consideration. However, like any other contract, sometimes only parts of an agreement will be… Read More »
Reasons To Sign A Prenuptial Agreement
Prenuptial agreements, or prenups, tend to be seen as an implicit failure on the part of one or both halves of a couple by many. They argue that a prenup is proof that the marriage is not being entered into in good faith, or that it presupposes the possibility of divorce. In reality, some… Read More »