Tag Archives: Hollywood Child Supprt Lawyers

Ending Child Support Payments Early Or Late
In the significant majority of divorce cases which involve child support, those payments will terminate on the child’s 18th birthday, which should (at least in theory) be listed in the divorce decree as the date of cessation of payments. However, there are certain sets of circumstances under which support can be terminated either early… Read More »

Sperm Donors and Child Support Claims
Many couples in the United States are unable to have children of their own, for a variety of reasons. Depending on the specific situation of the couple, some use a gestational surrogate, where another woman carries a child that shares genetic material with the couple, and then surrenders parental rights. Others use sperm donors… Read More »

Paying Child Support After You’ve Been Fired
It is still worryingly common in this day and age for a worker to lose their job with very little warning. While obviously, losing a job is stressful on multiple levels, it can also cause issues for your family, especially if divorce is already in the proverbial equation. Losing a job, especially through no… Read More »