Tag Archives: Fort Lauderdale Estate Planning Lawyers

Wills and Trusts: Advantages and Disadvantages
Florida is a state where approximately 20 percent of the population is over the age of 65, which is higher than average. As a person ages, they generally begin to put their affairs in order, starting with estate planning. However, there are multiple estate planning tools at a person’s disposal, depending on family situation… Read More »

Florida Probate Issues And The Homestead
It is not uncommon in this day and age that older people, especially those with significant assets, might divide their time between multiple homes instead of having one main domicile. If this happens in your family, however, it has a good chance at severely complicating the probate proceedings that any estate will have to… Read More »
Probate and Holographic Wills
While most people visit an attorney to have a will drawn up, there are some who prefer to execute it themselves. This is referred to as a holographic will. Proponents think it allows a person to exercise more control over their bequests. Regardless, the truth is that many holographic wills are held to be… Read More »
Living Trusts and Florida Probate
In many states, the creation of a living trust is recommended by competent estate planning and probate attorneys so as to avoid the headache of a drawn-out probate court proceeding. However, what many do not realize is that there are some situations in which probate cannot be avoided. Understanding the finer mechanics of Florida… Read More »