Tag Archives: Florida Prenuptial Agreements

Making Your Prenup “Ironclad”
Prenuptial agreements used to be only for wealthy people, because the time and trouble to create one used to be extensive. However, as that changed over time, more and more couples have opted to have one. This does mean that people have generally gotten better at busting prenups – in other words, at getting… Read More »

What Can’t Be In My Prenup?
Because they are extremely adaptable and common in this day and age, some couples wind up thinking that their prenuptial agreement can be a hodgepodge of anything, and it will pass legal muster. The fact is that there are several issues that Florida law does not allow a prenup to resolve – such questions… Read More »

Coercion, Duress and Prenuptial Agreements
More and more nowadays, couples are signing prenuptial agreements, or prenups, before they marry. It is being seen more often as protecting one’s investments than as a cold, unromantic business deal. However, it is this familiarity that can sometimes lead to coercion or putting one party under duress, whether intentional or not – people… Read More »

The Role Of Prenuptial Agreements In Distributing Marital Property
While prenuptial agreements or ‘prenups’ are becoming more common nowadays, their earliest adopters were the couples who boasted significant wealth between them. Wealthy couples tend to plan more than those who have fewer assets, simply because ensuring both spouses receive a fair share while retaining specific, sentimentally valuable items can be quite complex. However,… Read More »

Why Can’t My Prenup Cover Child Support Or Custody?
Florida law permits the existence of prenuptial agreements, or prenups, so as to protect the assets and well-being of both people who enter into a marriage. However, there are certain family law issues that are not permitted to be addressed within a prenup. The most commonly seen is the issue of child custody, with… Read More »
Severability in Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements (often referred to as prenups) are, at the root of matters, just like many other types of contracts concluded every day. Essentially, two parties are contracting to handle future transactions in a specific manner, in exchange for stipulated consideration. However, like any other contract, sometimes only parts of an agreement will be… Read More »
Reasons Why A Prenuptial Agreement May Fail
As one might imagine, prenuptial agreements are complex instruments that require careful crafting in order to be valid. It is not enough to simply mutually agree on provisions with your spouse; those provisions must be in compliance both with state law, and with public policy. Even if there is mutual agreement, it may not… Read More »