Tag Archives: Florida Military Divorce Lawyers

Common Concerns in Dividing Military Retirement Pay
When military couples decide to divorce, one of the issues most often hotly debated is the question of military retired pay and how it can be divided. While some questions are easily decided, there are other concerns that may appear that can throw a proverbial wrench in the works. It makes a difference if… Read More »

Divorcing While Deployed
Being deployed is something that a soldier both expects and dreads. However, it can sometimes bring not only professional, but personal changes. It is less unusual than one might think to try and obtain a divorce while your military spouse is deployed – it may not be concluded until their tour of duty is… Read More »
Issues Unique To Military Divorce
Despite all the differences between military and civilian life, there is in reality very little difference between military and civilian divorce. While the laws followed will differ slightly, there is a lot of overlap in the procedures; the only issue is the nature of the benefits being divided, such as pensions, retirement pay, health… Read More »
Military Divorce: Division of Military Pensions
Military divorce is defined as a divorce where one of the parties is either active duty military, a reservist, National Guard member, or retired from active duty military, the National Guard, or Reserves. A military divorce can be quite complicated, for example, when considering the division of a military pension. There are many roadblocks… Read More »