Tag Archives: Florida Military Divorce Attorney

What Is The Survivor Benefit Plan?
One of the advantages to a military life is that certain benefits are generally available to personnel that might not be available to all civilians. One of these is the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), which is an insurance plan for spouses and children of military personnel that will pay out a monthly annuity in… Read More »
Post-Judgment Modifications in Military Divorce
In a standard civilian divorce, post-judgment modifications are common, given the nature of life today. However, in a military divorce, there may be unforeseen complications due to one or both spouses’ duty status. Parenting time and spousal support are the most common issues over which a military divorce may be modified. Parenting Time A… Read More »
Dividing Military Pensions: Equal vs. Equitable
When a couple decides to divorce, and one or both of them are servicemembers, their military pensions are considered marital assets. In states such as Florida that use a system of equitable distribution, marital assets are divided between the spouses, but contrary to popular belief, this is not always done strictly equally. Rather, judges… Read More »
Military Divorce: Division of Military Pensions
Military divorce is defined as a divorce where one of the parties is either active duty military, a reservist, National Guard member, or retired from active duty military, the National Guard, or Reserves. A military divorce can be quite complicated, for example, when considering the division of a military pension. There are many roadblocks… Read More »