Tag Archives: Florida Alimony Reform

Lawmakers Renew Fight Over Florida Alimony Reform
Over time, most U.S. states have reformed their policies on alimony (also called spousal support in some jurisdictions), eliminating measures such as lifetime alimony. Florida, in many ways, remains an exception, though state lawmakers have tried in recent years to remedy that. If you are in a position where you pay or receive Florida… Read More »
Will Alimony Reform Lower Florida Divorce Rates?
Florida frequently is ranked as one of the states with the highest divorce rates, based on figures reported by the U.S. Census. But will alimony reform in the state lead more couples to rethink whether divorce is actually the right decision for them? According to a recent article in the Saint Petersburg Blog, some… Read More »
Are Alimony Changes on the Way in Florida?
Florida Alimony Reform Movement According to a recent article in the Jacksonville Daily Record, the remaining months in 2014 may bring some changes to Florida laws that will impact divorces and family law attorneys. In addition to potential changes regarding same-sex marriage and alterations to the Rule of Procedure (which may involve integrating the… Read More »