Tag Archives: Dividing Military Benefits

Military Retired Pay vs. Military Disability Pay
When a military service member is involved in a divorce, the main issue over which disputes arise is the issue of what portion of the service member’s pension should be earmarked for their soon-to-be ex-spouse. Even with those who have served for 20 years and are familiar with the retirement pay system, however, can… Read More »
Dividing Military Pensions: Equal vs. Equitable
When a couple decides to divorce, and one or both of them are servicemembers, their military pensions are considered marital assets. In states such as Florida that use a system of equitable distribution, marital assets are divided between the spouses, but contrary to popular belief, this is not always done strictly equally. Rather, judges… Read More »
Dividing Military Benefits in a Divorce
Even in the most amicable and uncontested divorces in Florida, dealing with property division can be a frustrating and confusing process. How will your assets and debts be divided? And will you and your spouse be required to sell certain property you’ve acquired during the marriage? In Florida, it’s important to remember that a… Read More »