Positives of going back to work after a military divorce
For many military spouses, the prospect of heading back to work after the end of a marriage is daunting. Some have chosen to stay home and raise their children, while others have put their own career goals aside to support those of their husband or wife. Regardless of the reason for choosing this path, many Florida spouses who face a return to work after a military divorce are fearful of the changes ahead.
One of the most pressing concerns involves the changes in technology that have taken place over recent years. For those whose work relies on technology, it is easy to feel left behind. Even those workers who only use technology in an auxiliary role within their employment can be intimidated by the changes that have taken place since they left. The good news is that most workers can get back up to speed relatively quickly once they begin using the technology that exists within their career field. There are a wide range of training and education options that can help with this process.
Another common fear about returning to work is a simple lack of confidence. In many ways, virtually every job provides a constant stream of feedback. It becomes easy to track one’s progress and performance within their workplace. High levels of achievement are often recognized, as are lesser accomplishments. When a worker decides to stay at home, many of his or her successes go without notice or direct reward; over time, this can lead virtually anyone to doubt how they might be received within the workforce.
In many ways, the best way to offset these and related fears is to simply get back into the race and regain one’s stride. As with many things that inspire fear, returning to work is almost never as difficult as one imagines. In addition, taking charge of one’s career path can be a great way to rebuild confidence after a Florida military divorce. It can also be an important stepping stone toward building an independent future.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Why Going Back to Work After Divorce Could be the Best Thing For You”, Jackie Pilossoph, March 31, 2014