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When Does My Florida Child Support Obligation End?
If a Florida couple has children, at least one parent will generally be required to pay child support if the couple divorces. Generally, child support obligations end when the minor child reaches their 18th birthday, but it is important for both parents to be aware that there are exceptions to that rule. If you… Read More »

More New Laws Change Picture For Condo Boards
In June 2024, the governor of Florida signed a major bill into effect that tightens restrictions on condominium boards, intending to close loopholes and enforce compliance. The main bill, known as “Condo 3.0” for how it builds on previous legislation, institutes a host of changes intended to ferret out corruption and dishonesty among boards… Read More »

Inheriting A Florida Homestead After Probate
One of the fundamental tenets of Florida property law is the homestead exemption. Under state law, a resident of Florida who identifies a certain piece of property as their primary residence receives an “exemption from all taxation” (with certain rare exceptions) up to $25,000. Upon the homeowner’s passing, the homestead will always pass to… Read More »

Significant Differences Between Civilian & Military Divorce
At its heart, divorce is the same in most jurisdictions – two people want to cease being married, and to divide their assets and liabilities between them. However, the ‘little details’ that differ from place to place can make a major difference in how the divorce progresses, and this goes double for those divorces… Read More »

Do Condo Board Members Have Fiduciary Duties To Owners?
A fiduciary is a person who has a duty to act in good faith when protecting another person’s interests. Many different people in many different positions may have fiduciary duties, but one that most people remain unaware of is that of a community association board member. A Florida condo board and its members all… Read More »

Best Legal Tools To Avoid Florida Probate
Many different people have horror stories about the probate process, citing its complexity and the length of time required for it to wind to a conclusion. Sometimes, it may be necessary to go through the process, but in general, most estates can avoid it with the right planning, meaning that assets reach their intended… Read More »

Child Custody Issues In Military Divorce
One of the most hotly contested issues in any divorce is the question of child custody (also called parental responsibility). Divorces involving military personnel are no exception – after all, every good parent wants to be able to help raise their children. It is the public policy of Florida courts (and the Florida legislature)… Read More »

Florida Prenuptial Agreements & Contract Law
There are many different reasons why a couple might want to execute a prenuptial agreement (‘prenup’) in this day and age. Some choose one for a second marriage; others want to preserve separate property before their first. Regardless, it is crucial to understand that a prenup is a contract, and is governed by Florida… Read More »

Florida Marital Property Rights & Probate
When two people divorce in Florida, the assets and debts they accumulate during their marriage are referred to as their marital estate. Unless a premarital agreement exists, Florida law holds that this property must be divided between the spouses via equitable distribution – in other words, by apportioning more to the spouse who may… Read More »

Jurisdictional Issues In Florida Military Divorce
When a couple decides to divorce, normally the process can be relatively brief, particularly if they have few assets between them. However, if one or both spouses is a servicemember, that process can become much more complex. This is doubly true if you are living on base or in another location where you have… Read More »